Jessica Roy, MS, RD, LDN
The holiday season is filled with family and friends, cooking, decorations, and a reflection of history. There are so many different holidays celebrated within the month of December. The holiday season means something different to everyone who celebrates, with food often at the center of many holiday traditions.
Hanukkah is the eight-day Jewish celebration that commemorates the Maccabean victory, over the forces of the Seleucid King of Syria, and the rededication of the second temple of Judaism. Hanukkah, also called the Festival of Lights, Feast of the Maccabees, or the Feast of Dedication, is celebrated by lighting candles each night during the holiday. The tradition of lighting candles for eight days came about when the menorah burned for eight days, despite having only enough oil to last a single day. On each night of Hanukkah, one candle is lit on the menorah by the Shamash candle. Traditional dishes often include latkes (potato pancakes), kugel (sweet noodle dish), brisket, and rugelach (a type of pastry).
Kwanzaa is a holiday that celebrates African American culture and takes place from December 26th to January 1st. Each day of the celebration is dedicated to one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa, unity, self-determination, collective responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith. On each of the days of Kwanzaa, the family comes together to light a candle and discuss the principles for the day. On December 31st, families join together in a feast, called Karamu. Some common foods eaten during the feast include pot stew, jerk chicken, catfish, collards, and macaroni and cheese.
Las Posadas
Las Posadas is a nine-day Mexican celebration that commemorates the journey that Josepha and Mary made from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of refuge where Mary could give birth to Jesus. This holiday takes place from December 16th to December 24th. Las Posadas is celebrated by a child dressing up as an angel and leading a procession through the town. Children wear gold robes and carry candles and photos of Mary and Joseph. Adults follow while playing music and stopping at houses seeking lodging. Just as within the original story, lodging is refused. Bible passages are then read, and carols are sung. Mass is held at the end of the procession and children break pinatas that are filled with candy and toys. After the breaking of the pinata, there is a feast.
Some common foods that are eaten at the feast are tamales, which is a corn-based dough, filled with a variety of meat, beans and cheese. Tamales are wrapped in a banana leaf or corn hush and then steamed. Another common food is bunuelos, which are fried dough fritters coated with cinnamon and sugar. Other foods include atole, which is a warm cornmeal drink, and café de olla, which is spiced coffee.
Christmas, which is celebrated on December 25th, is a Christian festival which commemorates the birth of Jesus. Santa Claus is a widely known figure relating to Christmas. Santa Claus can be traced back hundreds of years ago to a monk named St. Nicholas. It was said that St. Nicholas gave away his inherited wealth and traveled the country helping the poor and sick. The stories of St. Nicholas spread, and he became known as the protector of sailors and children. Today, Santa Claus is a symbol of gift giving, wishes and fun within the holiday. Some popular customs and traditions that exist today within Christmas include, exchanging gifts, decorating homes and Christmas trees, and having meals with friends and family.
My family celebrates Christmas, and we traditionally bake and decorate sugar cookies for Santa to have on Christmas Eve. Here is the recipe I always use, with a tad less sugar than a traditional sugar cookie recipe, since we all like to really load up the cookies with sweet toppings!
I hope everyone enjoys their special winter holiday traditions, to happy and healthy eating!