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Food Connects Us to Health & Happiness

Food Connects Us to Health & Happiness

National Nutrition Month occurs every March to celebrate the role of food and nutrition in the health and wellness of people across the United States. Each year brings a new theme, and I am the most excited for this year’s focus on the social and cultural impact of how food brings people together.

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Winter Holiday Food Traditions

Winter Holiday Food Traditions

The holiday season is filled with family and friends, cooking, decorations, and a reflection of history. There are so many different holidays celebrated within the month of December. The holiday season means something different to everyone who celebrates, with food often at the center of many holiday traditions.

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Emotional Eating & Thanksgiving

Emotional Eating & Thanksgiving

I counsel patients who struggle with emotional eating, yet this is separate from allowing food to trigger emotions. My examples in this post elicit happy memories and anticipated pleasures. The instances of emotional eating that may be tricky to navigate usually entail using food to soothe an emotion.

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Apple Cinnamon Bread

Apple Cinnamon Bread

September means apple season is here! My family and I go apple picking at least once, usually two or three times each Fall. We certainly love to eat the apples just as they are, yet finding creative ways to use them is also fun and delicious!

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Back to School Bento Boxes

Back to School Bento Boxes

As most families with young children know, getting your kids out the door to school with a healthy and tasty packed lunch can be challenging. Bento boxes can be super helpful with packing items kids will enjoy with a focus on appropriate portions to include variety and not overwhelm picky eaters.

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